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Flat valuation in Brussels : determine the value of your flat with Abita Immo


You want to sell your flat but you don’t know how to make a correct price estimate? Do you want to have a precise idea of its fair price? Indeed, it is not always easy to determine the exact value of a property. This is why it is often necessary to have your property appraised by a property expert. Thanks to Abita Immo, you can benefit from a quick and accurate estimate of the market value of your flat in Brussels.


Going through a qualified real estate agency is above all to ensure a good estimate of your flat in Brussels. Having your property properly valued is a crucial step in the selling process. Indeed, the property can only be put up for sale once an adequate price has been defined. This task is generally carried out by an estate agent who carries out property valuations on a daily basis. The latter will then be able to estimate your property and give you an objective and impartial opinion of its value.

Property valuations are different for each property. To estimate the value of your flat, the real estate expert will draw up a documented report taking into account a preliminary analysis of the market and a detailed appreciation of the characteristics of your property. He will base his report on various elements. In particular, the location, the square metre, the type of dwelling, the year of construction, the condition, etc.

Finally, the valuation of your flat in Brussels should also be based on the market price. Otherwise, if the price is eccentric, it will be difficult for future buyers to accept it.


For 30 years, our agency Abita Immo has been positioning itself as an expert on the real estate market. Thanks to our qualified agents, the valuation of your flat in Brussels is always done in the best conditions. Indeed, their experience in the field allows them to give you an informed opinion of value. Moreover, after a professional study, our team in charge of the valuation of a property makes it a point of honour to satisfy our clients. In other words, Abita Immo will always ensure that the sale price also meets your expectations. It is therefore a team effort in order to have the most adequate estimate according to the market and your desires.

In any case, our real estate agents will be available, reactive and attentive to your request. Do not wait any longer to contact us! We will look at your property together.

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