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Property valuation Brussels : the business of a local agency


You wish to request a property valuation in Brussels? Flat, house, building,… Abita Immo has been offering its valuation services for 30 years in the Brussels capital region! We strongly advise you to call on a real estate expert close to your property, and close to you.


In short, it can be very risky to try to estimate your property yourself. Indeed, this practice requires many prerequisites. First of all, you need to know all the criteria of a property for a valuation. Furthermore, it is undeniable that your opinion on the condition or potential of your house or flat is biased by your attachment to it. Only an expert eye has the neutrality required to assess the value of a particular property. Secondly, you need to have the increased knowledge of real estate market trends. It is important to note that the variables in the market are constantly changing.

Faced with this arduous and time-consuming task, it is more than wise to delegate it to a real estate agent whose job it is to estimate. Because above all, you risk two catastrophic situations. On the one hand, if you overestimate your property, you won’t have any buyers. And on the other hand, if you undervalue it, you will incur a considerable financial loss.


Essentially, an agency in your area is the perfect choice for the most precise and accurate valuation. Indeed, each city, each neighbourhood and each street has different assets and characteristics. Proximity to shops, a charming rural setting, a vibrant urban neighbourhood,… Each geographical location and its characteristics come into play in the valuation of a property. This is why an agency that works in the region and knows the area inside out will be the most suitable for a property valuation in Brussels. Take advantage of the experience and expertise of Abita Immo, an agency close to you and your real estate projects.

Read also our pages on the price of a real estate valuation, the valuation of a house in Brussels or the valuation of a flat.

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